Welcome to BioCellgraft Inc. Our company was founded by “Maverick” entrepreneurs passionately and strategically striving to develop a unique company becoming the leader in an untapped business field: oral soft tissue management and its benefits on aesthetic and well-being.
Since the beginning BioCellgraft Inc. managed its business direction and initiatives in a disruptive manner however, our continuous compliance to plain and simple rules supported visibility and clarity:
- Each dental professional is unique and treating unique patients.
- Our therapeutic solutions apply to real life cases that are unmet in many instances.
- Product usability is the alpha and omega of therapeutic safety and performance.
- Our relationship fostering inspires the conversion of our customers and suppliers into partners,
- and they become our fellows in quality-of-life driven communities of practice.
- Comprehensive Training and Education programs are part of the Marketing strategy.
- The dedicated way of application is as decisive as the product itself.
Striving for a leading position in oral health care, BioCellgraft Inc. has most recently consolidated its organization and assets, notably by forging an exclusive agreement to propel advanced biomaterials in the field. (See our news section on the website)
This exclusive agreement provides for Celularity Inc. to manufacture and ship human placenta-based biomaterial products for BioCellgraft’s distribution in the United States. Selected clinical peers were already offered the opportunity to evaluate these biomaterials in clinical situations and in many cases sought us out to participate.
According to observers familiar with the domain, these partnerships hold significant promises for both companies, doctors and patients and the overall advancement of oral healthcare.
The BioCellgraft Inc. Executive and Management teams are considerate and passionate experts believing in the “Maverick” experience. We are committed to
analyzing and understanding situations swiftly, we think “out of the box” to create solutions and we take decision and execute promptly, FOR YOU!