
Surgical Research in Implant Dentistry 

Methodology relates at the same time to a principle of acting and a branch of philosophy, this pair forming the alpha and the omega of all Surgical Research activities. Surgical Research plunges its roots into the fertile soil plowed for us by unique thinkers and researchers like Aristotle, R. Descartes, C. Bernard, J. Piaget, and more recently D. Brunette, H. Troidl, W. Souba and D. Wilmore.

Methodology triggers and spins continuously an Archimedean screw, each spire being an essential step of the research process, which should become and remain an endless revolution. The hypothesis definition and the study design elaboration and implementation are essential for successful research completion.

During this journey, researchers/investigators have exciting duties to fulfill and are all seeking personal accomplishment by living their passion for knowledge creation.

Consequently, the ultimate mission of Surgical Research in Implant Dentistry consists in generating this knowledge, transmitting it, and adding clinical value for the well-being of patients

Surgical Research in Implant Dentistry

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